SEWER - The Pedosadist.

About SEWER’s “The Pedosadist” (Album)

SEWER - The Pedosadist.

SEWER – The Pedosadist.

The Pedosadist is perhaps one of SEWER’s most iconic albums ever.

The music is pure satanic and ignoble depravity.

The Pedosadist is so evil that it’s nearly impossible to label its music as a single distinct heavy metal genre.

There are of course many elements of SEWER Metal, alongside parts featuring characteristics of black metal, death metal and raw goregrind.

The Pedosadist is the most brutal heavy metal album.

The Pedosadist

Album: The Pedosadist

Vocals: Reaper
Guitars: Reaper
Bass: Plague
Drums: Warlord
Lyrics: Reaper
Guitar tracks: Reaper
Music: Reaper
Production: Reaper

Release Date: 13 May 2015
Label: The Satan Records
International Distribution: The Satan Records

Source: SEWER

Hail the SEWER Lord.

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